We introduce
Our Company
With our well-maintained and modern fleet you are able to explore almost every corner of the Port of Hamburg – and even more than that!
Our family business operates the Elbe shipping in its third generation already. In 1926 the 20 -year-old Kurt Abicht bought the first launch for the small shipyard of father Otto – with success: He built up the fleet continuously. Five decades later, his son Rainer took over the pure launch operation and in 1993 he built the first passenger ship, the MS HAMMONIA. Meanwhile, a whole team ensures the smooth running of the big harbour tours and charter cruises. 365 days a year, the entire fleet is in service: 31 ships cruise through the harbour, each navigated by an experienced captain, who has a humorous anecdote or a knowledgeable, up-to-date information in stock for every ship, quai and building.
And all that in the daily changing harbour! New buildings and renovations in the HafenCity require a constant broadening of existing knowledge, but also the approximately 13,000 seagoing ships from all over the world, which call at the Port of Hamburg every year, usually contain more than just a story about maritime trade, shipbuilding types and the harbour atmosphere. Those stories often already start with the purchase of a ticket : „Here, get your tickets for the big harbour boat tour!“, Loud men’s voices sound over the promenade of the Landungsbrücken. „Did you know already?“ This is how the conversations often start – and you will be right in the middle of the history and stories about the Elbe, Speicherstadt and the harbour. Just typically “Hamburgisch”!
But furthermore, maintaining traditions, preserving family values, and the loyalty to your own company is typically “Hamburgisch” – and that is what we are standing for. New EU rules for small passenger ships come into force and the traditional harbour launches, some in use since the beginning of the last century, do not longer meet these requirements. But the launch operation was not abandoned. Four new harbour launches were built at the shipyard “Behrens” in Finkenwerder. The first went on its premier cruise just in time for the spectacular launching of the AIDA Diva on April 20, 2007 – the others followed after in August and December 2007, as well as in March 2008. Our large luxury launch HUGO ABICHT came to us in May 2015. KLEIN FRITZCHEN has been in operation since mid-June 2016. In 2017, with TIL ABICHT and HANNA ABICHT, 2 more ships could be commissioned and in 2020, MS FANTASIA arrived at our port. In 2022 we were able to win the MS ELBKRISTALL for our fleet, followed by Klein Romy and Klein Heini in 2023.
All these launches are equipped with insulating glazed interior for the perfect all around view. As a special feature the launches have a slidable glass roof, so that the ships can be driven as a convertible in good weather. The modern facilities, such as floor heating, air conditioning and two service bars (pantry), offer the perfect venue for comfortable harbour boat tours and they are ideal for longer charter cruises, private celebrations, such as weddings and anniversaries, as well as company outings.
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